Chile - Family without food

My name is Oscar. I was living far from God, I was not caring for my family. It was all because of the drink. I began drinking more and more, and I fell deeply into the power of drink, so much so that I did not care about my family anymore, or even about myself. I was actually a baker. But the drink destroyed my work and my life. I began spending all my time with my drinking friends till late at night. And then I would often sleep drunk on the street pavements. Instead of caring for my wife and children, I spent everything on drink, until my family had no food and nothing anymore.

I lost all my dignity as a human being. Then the day came when Mrs. Ruth gave me the Gospel tract to read. I don’t know how it really happened, but that tract changed my life from that day. I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal saviour, and everything started to change. I stopped drinking, and I left the company of those drinking friends. I started to work hard again. I could be kind to my wife and my children again, without swearing and fighting. And I tell everybody I meet what God has done for my.

Oscar Carvajal, Valparaiso


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